Herball or General Historie of Plantes
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to Plant list - A to L.
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Tamarind; Tansy; Tarragon; Thistle;Tomato; Tooth-pick Chervil; Tulip; Turky Cresses; Turky Millet; Turnip; Turnsole;
Walnut; Water Docks; Water Saligot; White Endive; Wild Chervil; Wild Clary; Wild Date; Wild Garlic; Wild Radish; Wild Rose; Wild Succory; Wild Turnips; Wood Sorrel; Wortleberries
"Crocus. Saffron.
...The chiues steeped in water, serue to illumine or
(as we say) limne pictures and imagerie, as also to colour sundry meats
and confections. It is with good successe giuen to procure bodily lust.
The confections called Crocomagna, Oxycroceum, and Diacurcuma,
with diuers other emplaisters and electuaries cannot be made without this
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"Saluia. Sage.
No man needs to doubt of the wholesomnesse of Sage Ale,
being brewed as it should be with Sage, Scabious, Betony, Spikenard, Squinanth,
and Fennel seeds.."
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"Crithmum. Sampier.
...The leaues kept in pickle, and eaten in sallads with
oile and vineger, is a pleasant sauce for meat... It is the pleasantest
sauce, most familiar, and best agreeing with mans body...."
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Sandalwood - pages 1585 - 1586.
"Of Saunders.
...Red-Saunders... is frequently vsed to colour sauces,
and for such like vses... Auicen affirmeth it to be good for all
passions of the hart, and maketh it glad and merry, and therefore good
to be put in collises, iellies, and all delicate meates which are made
to strengthen and reuiue the spirits."
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"Alliaria. Sauce alone, or Jacke by the hedge.
...diuers eat the stamped leaues hereof with Salt-fish,
for a sauce, as they do those of Ramsons."
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"Saxifraga. English Saxifrage.
Our English women vse to put in in their running or rennet
for cheese, especially in Cheshire (where I was borne) where the best cheese
of this Land is made."
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Scarlet Oak 1 (kermes)- pages 1341-1343.
"Ilex Coccigcra. Of the Scarlet Oke.
Besides the Acornes, there is found cleauing vnto the
wooddie branches, a certaine kinde of berries, or rather an excrescence,
of the substance of the Oke Apple, and of the bignesse of a Pease, at the
first white, and of the colour of ashes when they be ripe, in which are
ingendred little Maggots, which seeme to be without life vntill they feele
the heat of the sun, and then they creep, and seeke to flie away. But the
people of the countrey (which make a gaine of them) doe watch the time
of their flying, euen as we doe Bees, which they then take and put into
a linnen bag, wherein they shake and bould them vp and downe vntil they
be dead, which they make vp into great lumpes oftentimes, and likewise
sell them to diers apart, euen as they were taken forth of the bag, whereof
is made the most perfect Scarlet... The graine or berrie that serueth to
die with is properly called... in Latine, Coccus infectoria, or
infectorium... The Arabians and the Apothecaries doe know it by the
name of Chesmes,
Chermes, and Kermes... it is also
counted among those Simple which be cordials, and good to strengthen the
heart. Of this graine that noble and famous confection Alkermes,
made by the Arabians, hath taken his name, which many doe highly commend
against the infirmities of the heart..."
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Scarlet Oak 2- pages 1343-1345.
"Ilex maior Glandifera. Of the great Scarlet Oke.
Clusius reporteth, that the Acorne is esteemed
of, eaten, and brought into the market to be sold, in the city of Salamanca
in Spaine, and in many other places of that countrey; and of this Acorne
hath peraduenture written, lib, 16. cap. 5. in these words: moreouer,
at this day in Spain the Acorne is serued for a second course."
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"Eryngium. Sea Holly.
The roots condited or preserued with sugar, as hereafter
followeth, are exceeding good to be giuen vnto ond and aged people that
are consumed and withered with age, and which want naturall moisture: they
are also good for other sorts of people that haue no delight or appetite
to venerie, nourishing and restoring the aged, and amending the defects
of nature in the younger.
The manner to condite Eryngos."
Refine sugar fit for the purpose, and take a pound of
it, the white of an egge, and a pint of cleere water, boile them together
and scum it, then let it boile vntill it be come to good strong syrrup,
and when it is boiled, as it cooleth, adde thereto a saucer full of Rose-water,
a spoone full of Cinnamon water, and a graine of Muske, which haue been
infused together the night before, and now strained; into which syrrup
being more than half cold, put in your roots to soke and infuse vntill
the next day; your roots being ordered in manner hereafter following:
These your roots being washed and picked, must be boiled
in faire water by the space of foure houres, vntill they be soft, then
must they be pilled cleane, as ye pill parsneps, and the pith must bee
drawne out at the end of the root; and if there be any whose pith cannot
be drawne out at the end, then you must slit them, and so take out the
pith: these you must also keepe from much handling, that they may be cleane,
let them remaine in the syrrup till the next day, and then set them on
the fire in a faire broad pan vntill they be verie hot, but let them not
boile at all: let them there remaine ouer the fire an hour or more, remoouing
them easily in the pan from one place to another with a woodden slice.
This done, haue in a readinesse great cap or royall papers, whereupon you
must straw some Sugar, vpon which lay your roots after that you haue taken
them out of the pan. These papers you must put into a Stoue, or hot house
to harden; but if you haue not such a place, lay them before a good fire.
In this manner if you condite your roots, there is not any that can prescribe
you a better way. And thus may you condite any other root whatsoeuer, which
will not onely bee exceeding delicate, but very wholesome...
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Sea Lentill - pages 1614-1615.
"Lenticula marina angustifolia. Of the sea Lentill.
[Sargasso weed.]
This plant pickled with salt and vineger hath the same
tast as Sampier, and may be vsed in stead thereof, and also eaten by such
as saile, in place of Capers. I willed it should be giuen newly taken forth
of the sea, to Goats which we carried in the ship, and they fed vpon it
I found no faculties thereof; but one of the Sailers
troubled with a difficultie of making water, casting out sand and gross
humors, ate thereof by chance both raw and boiled, onely for that the taste
thereof pleased him: after a few dayes hee told to me that he found great
good by the eating thereof..."
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"Halimus and Vermicularis. Sea Purslane, and shrubby
...The leaues (saith Dioscorides) are boyled to
be eaten... The leaues be in the Low-countries preserued in salt or pickle
as capers are, and be serued and eaten at mens tables in stead of them,
and that without any mislike of taste, to which it is pleasant. Galen
doth also report, that the yong and tender buds are wont in Cilicia to
be eaten, and also laid vp in store for vse."
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"Sesamum, siue Sisamum. Of the oylie Pulse called
...Men do not greedily feed of it alone, but make cakes
thereof with honey, ... it is also mixed with bread..."
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"Sisarum. Skirrets.
The roots of the Skirret be moderately hot and moist;
they be easily concocted; they nourish meanly, and yeeld a reasonable good
iuice: but they are something windie, by reason whereof they also prouoke
lust. They be eaten boiled, with vineger, salt, and a little oile, after
the manner of a sallad, and oftentimes they be fried in oile and butter,
and also dressed after other fashions, according to the skil of the cooke,
and the taste of the eater..."
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"Oxalis. Sorrell.
Sorrell doth vndoutedly coole and mightily dry; but because
it is soure it likewise cutteth tough humors. The iuyce hereof in Sommer
time is a profitable sauce in many meates, and pleasant to the taste...
The leaues of Sorrell taken in good quantitie, stamped and strained into
some Ale, and a posset made thereof, cooleth the sicke bodie, quencheth
the thirst, and allayeth the heat of such as are troubled with a pestilent
feuer, hot ague, or any great inflammation within. The leaues sodden, and
eaten in manner of a Spinach tart, or eaten as meate, softneth and loosneth
the belly, and doth attemper and coole the bloud exceedingly."
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Sorrowfull tree - pages 1526-1527.
"Arbor tristis. Of the Sorrowfull tree or Indian
...we read that the Indians do colour their brothes and
meates with the stalkes of the floures hereof in stead of Saffron, or whatsoeuer
that they desire to haue of a yellow colour."
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"Sonchus. Sow-thistle.
...Whilest they are yet yong and tender they are eaten
as other pot-herbes are..."
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"Sisynrichium majus. Spanish Nut.
...The Bulbe is sweet in taste, and may be eaten before
any other bulbed Root. ...the Spanish nut is eaten at the tables of rich
and delicious, nay vitious persons, in sallads or otherwise, to procure
lust and lecherie."
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"Zea siue [?] Spelta. Spelt Corne.
...Spelt (saith Turner) is common about Weisenburgh in
high Almanie, eight Dutch miles on this side Strausbough: and there all
men vse it for wheat; for there groweth no wheat at all: yet I neuer saw
fairer and pleasanter bread in any place in all my life, than I haue eaten
there, made onely of this Spelt..."
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"Spinacia. Spinach.
It is eaten boiled, but yeeldeth little or no nourishment
at all: it is something windie, and easily causeth a desire to vomit: it
is vsed in sallades when it is young and tender. This herbe of all other
pot-herbes and sallade herbes maketh the greatest diuersitie of meates
and sallades."
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"Ornithogalum. Star of Bethlehem.
...The roots, saith Dioscorides, are eaten both
raw and boyled."
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"Cichorium satuvum. Garden Succorie.
...These herbes eaten in sallades or otherwise, especially
the white Endiue, doth comfort the weake and
feeble stomacke, and cooleth and refresheth the stomacke ouermuch heated."
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"Arundo Saccharina. Sugar Cane.
...Of the iuyce of this Reed is made the most pleasant
and profitable sweet, called Sugar; whereof is made infinite confectures,
syrups, and such like, as also preseruing and conseruing of sundry fruits,
herbes, and flowers, as Roses, Violets, Rosemary flowers, and such like,
which still retaine with them the name of Sugar, as Sugar Roset, Sugar
violet, &c. The which to write of would require a peculiar volume...
it is not my purpose to make of my booke a Confectionarie, a Sugar Bakers
furnace, a Gentlewomans preseruing pan..." [followed by a short description
of sugar refining]
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"Satureia hortensis aestiva. Sommer Sauorie.
...Sommer Sauorie is not full so hot as winter Sauorie,
and therefore saith
Dioscorides, more fit to be vsed in medicine:
it maketh thin, and doth maruellously preuaile against winde: therefore
it is with good successe boiled and eaten with beanes, peason, and other
windie pulses...
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"Ros Solis. Of Sun-Dew, Youth woort, Ros Solis.
It strengtheneth and nourisheth the body, especially
if it be distilled with wine, and that liquor made thereof which the common
people do call Rosa Solis. If any be desirous to haue the said drinke effectuall
for the purposes aforesaid, let them lay the leaues of Rosa Solis in the
spirit of wine, adding thereto Cinnamon, Cloues, Maces, Ginger, Nutmegs,
Sugar, and a few graines of Muske, suffering it so to stand in a glasse
close stopt from the aire, and set in the Sun by the space of ten daier,
then straine the same, and keep it for your vse."
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"Flos Solis maior. the floure of the Sun, or the
Marigold of Peru.
...the buds before they be floured, boiled and eaten
with butter, vineger, and pepper, after the manner of Artichokes, are exceeding
pleasant meat, surpassing the Artichoke far in procuring bodily lust. The
same buds with the stalks neere vnto the top (the hairinesse being taken
away) broiled vpon a gridiron, and afterward eaten with oile, vineger,
and pepper, haue the like property..."
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"Testiculus odoratus, Triorchis, Orchis Frisia lutea.
Cullions or Lady Traces.
...The full and sappy roots of Lady-traces eaten or boyled
in milke, and drunke, prouoke venery, nourish and strengthen the body..."
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"Viola Lunaria. White Sattin.
...The seed of Bolbonac is of Temperature hot and drie,
and sharpe of taste, and is like in taste and force to the seed of Treacle
Mustard; the roots likewise are somewhat of a biting qualitie, but not
much: they are eaten with sallads as certaine other roots are."
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"Sisarum Peruvianum, siue Batata Hispanorum. Potato's.
The Potato roots are among the Spaniards, Italians, Indians,
and many other nations common and ordinarie meate; which no doubt are of
mighty and nourishing parts... being tosted in the embers they lose much
of their windinesse, especially being eaten sopped in wine.
Of these roots may be made conserues no lesse toothsome,
wholesome, and dainty than of the flesh of Quinces: and likewise those
comfortable and delicate meats called in shops Morselli, Placentulae,
and diuers other such like.
These Roots may serue as a ground or foundation whereon
the cunning Confectioner or Sugar-Baker may worke and frame many comfortable
delicate Conserues, and restoratiue sweete meates.
They are vsed to be eaten rosted in the ashes. Some when
they be so rosted infuse them and sop them in Wine; and others to giue
them the greater grace in eating, do boyle them with prunes, and so eate
them. And likewise others dresse them (being first rosted) with Oyle, Vineger,
and salt, euerie man according to his owne taste and liking. Notwithstanding
howsoeuer they bee dressed, they comfort, nourish, and strengthen the body,
procuring bodily lust, and that with greedinesse."
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"Sycomorus. Of the Sycomore tree.
The Sycomore tree is of no small height, being very like
to the mulberrie tree in bignesse & shew, as also in leafe: the fruit
is as great as a Fig, but sweeter, and without any grains or seeds within,
which groweth not forth of the tender boughes, but out of the body and
great old armes very fruitfully... It groweth... very plentifully in Caria
and Rhodes, and in sundry places of Egypt... and in places that doe not
bring forth much wheat, in which it is an helpe, and sufficeth in stead
of bread & corne when there is scarsitie of victuals."
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"Tamarindus. Of Tamarindes.
The Arabians preserue the small and yet greene cods of
this tree, as also the ripe ones, either with sugar, or the honey boiled
out of the fruit of the Carob tree: they also mix the pulpe with sugar,
which trauellers carry with them in their iournies through the desart places
of Africk, wherewith they being dry or ouerheated, may quench their thirst,
coole and refresh themselues, and also euacuate many hot humors by stoole.
In pestilent and all other burning putrid feuers they drinke the water
with sugar, wherein a good quantitie of Tamarinds haue been infused; for
it is a drinke very pleasant to such as are thirsty by reason of too much
heate, for it powerfully cooles and quenches thirst... They are not good
for such as haue cold stomacks, vnlesse their coldnesse be corrected by
putting to them Mace, Anise seeds, Squinanth, or such like."
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"Tanacetum. Tansie.
In the Spring time are made with the leaues hereof newly
sprung vp, and with egs, cakes or tansies, which be pleasant in taste,
and good for the stomacke."
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"Draco herba. Tarragon.
...Tarragon is hot and drie in the third degree, and
not to be eaten alone in sallades, but ioyned with other herbes, as Lettuce,
Purslain, and such like..."
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"Carduus. Of Thistle vpon Thistle, and diuers other
Wilde Thistles.
[Dioscorides] affirmeth also, that the herbe being
as yet greene and tender is vsed to be eaten among other herbes after the
manner of Asparagus."
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"Poma Amoris. Apples of Loue.
...In Spaine and those hot Regions they vse to eat the
Apples prepared and boiled with pepper, salt, and oile: but they yeeld
very little nourishment to the bodie, and the same nought and corrupt.
Likewise they doe eat the Apples with oile, vineger and pepper mixed together
for sauce to their meate, euen as we in these cold Countries doe Mustard."
Mala AEthiopia. Apples of AEthiopia.
...they are vsed for a sauce and seruice vnto rich mens
tables to be eaten, being first boyled in the broth of fat flesh with pepper
and salt..."
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"Gingidium. Tooth-picke Cheruill.
...There is, saith Galen, great increase of Gingidium
in Syria, and it is eaten no otherwise than Scandex
is with vs at Pergamum: it is, saith he, very wholesome for the stomacke,
whether it be eaten raw or boyled... Dioscorides doth also write
the same: This pot-herbe (saith he) is eaten raw, sodden, and preserued
with great good to the stomacke... The hard quills whereon the seeds do
grow are good to cleanse the teeth and gums, and do easily take away all
filth and baggage sticking in them, without any hurt vnto the gums, as
followeth after many other Tooth-picks, and they leaue a good sent or sauor
in the mouth."
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"Tulipa. Tulipa, or the Dalmatian Cap.
...The roots preserued with sugar, or otherwise dressed,
may be eaten, and are no vnpleasant nor any way offensiue meat, but rather
good and nourishing."
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"Draba. Turky Cresses.
...Dioscorides saith, that they vse to eate the
dryed seed of this herbe with meate, as we do pepper especially in Cappadocia."
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"Sorghum. Turky Millet.
...The seed of Turky Mill is like vnto Panicke in taste
and temperature. The country People sometimes make bread hereof, but it
is brittle, and of little nourishment, and for the most part it serueth
to fatten hens and pigeons with."
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"Rapum majus. Turnep.
...The bulbous or knobbed root, which is properly called
or Turnep... is many times eaten raw, especially of the poore people in
Wales, but most commonly boiled... It auaileth not a little after what
manner it is prepared; for being boyled in water, or in a certaine broth,
it is more moist, and sooner descendeth, and maketh the body more soluble;
but being rosted or baked it drieth, and ingendreth lesse winde, and yet
it is not altogether without winde... The young and tender shootes or springs
of Turneps at their first comming forth of the ground, boiled and eaten
as a sallade, prouoke vrine."
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"Heliotropium minus. Small Torne-sole.
...With the small Tornsole they in France doe die linnen
rags and clouts into a perfect purple colour, wherewith cookes and confectioners
doe colour iellies, wines, meates, and sundry confectures..."
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"Viola. Violets.
"There is likewise made of Violes and sugar certain plates
called Sugar Violet, or Violet tables, or Plate, which is most pleasant
and wholesome..."
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"Viperaria. Vipers-Grasse.
The root being eaten, either rosted in embers, sodden,
or raw, doth make a man merry, and remoueth all sorrow. The root condited
with sugar, as are the roots of Eringow and such like, worke the
like effects: but more familiarly, being thus dressed."
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"Nux Iuglans. Of the Wall-nut tree.
The fresh kernels of the nuts newly gathered are pleasant
to the taste... The dry nuts are hot and dry, and those more which become
oily and ranke... The greene and tender Nuts boiled in Sugar and eaten
as Suckad, are a most pleasant and delectable meate, comfort the stomacke,
and expell poyson... Milke made of the kernels, as Almond milke is made,
cooleth and pleaseth the appetite of the languishing sicke body."
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"Hydrolapathum, Hippolapathum. Water Dockes.
...The leaues of the Garden docke or Patience may be
eaten... being gathered before the stalke be growne vp; at which time it
is fittest to be eaten. And being sodden, it is not so pleasant to bee
eaten as either Beetes or Spinage... Monkes Rubarb or Patience is an excellent
wholesome pot-herbe..."
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"Tribulus aquaticus. Water Saligot, water Caltrops,
or water Nuts.
...The Thracians, saith Plinie that dwell in Strymona,
do fatten their horses with the leaues of Saligot, and they themselues
do feed of the kernels, making very sweet bread thereof, which bindeth
the belly."
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"Intybum satiua. Garden Endiue.
...Endiue being sowen in the spring quickly commeth vp
to floure, which seedeth in haruest, and afterward dieth. But being sowen
in Iuly it remaineth till winter, at which time it is taken vp by the roots,
and laid in the sunne or aire for the space of two houres; then will the
leaues be tough, and easily endure to be wrapped vpon an heape, and buried
in the earth with the roots vpward, where no earth can get within it (which
if it did, would cause rottennesse) the which so couered may be taken vp
at times conuenient, and vsed in sallades all the winter..."
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"Shepheards needle or wilde Cheruill. ...Scandix.
...Dioscorides saith it is eaten both raw and
boyled, and that it is an wholesome pot-herbe among the Greekes; but in
these dayes it is of small estimation or value, and taken but for a wilde
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"Wilde Clarie, or Oculus Christi.
...The leaues are good to be put into pottage or brothes
among other potherbes..."
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"Palmapinus, siue Palma conifera. Of the wilde
Date trees.
...the fruit growes at the end of the branches, not vnlike
a great Pine Apple cone, coured ouer with a skinne like the Indian Nut:
wherein is contained a shel, within which shell lieth hid an acorn or long
kernell of an inch long, and sometimes longer, very hard to be broken,
in taste like the Chestnut; which the sauage people do grate and stampe
to pouder to make them bread.... [it] is vsed to be eaten in banquets...
Being taken as a meat it ingendreth raw humors and winde, and therefore
it is good to be eaten with pepper and salt."
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"Allium syluestre, Allium vrsinum. Crow-Garlicke
and Ramsons.
...The leaues of Ramsons be stamped and eaten of diuers
in the Low-countries, with fish for a sauce, euen as we do eate greene-sauce
made with sorrell. The same leaues may very well be eaten in April and
May with butter, of such as are of a strong constitution, and labouring
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"Raphanus syluestris, R. aquaticus. Wilde Radish,
Water Radish.
...Dioscorides writeth, that the leues are receiued
among the pot herbes, and likewise the boiled root..."
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"Rosa Canina inodora. Of the wilde Roses.
The Brier Bush or Hep tree, is also called Rosa canina,
which is a plant so common and well knowne, that it were to small purpose
to vse many words in the description thereof: for euen children with great
delight eat the berries thereof when they be ripe, make chaines and other
prettie gewgawes of the fruit: cookes and gentlewomen make Tartes and such
like dishes for pleasure thereof... The fruit when it is ripe maketh most
pleasant meates and banqueting dishes, as tarts and such like; the making
whereof I commit to the cunning cooke, and teeth to eat them in the rich
mans mouth."
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"Intybum syluestre. Wilde Endiue.
...The leaues of these wilde herbes are boiled in pottage
or brothes, for sicke, and feeble persons that haue hot, and feeble stomackes,
to strengthen the same."
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"Rapum syluestre, Rapistrum. Wilde Turneps or Rapes.
...Diuers vse the seed of Rape in steed of mustard seed,
who either make hereof a sauce bearing the name of mustard, or else mixe
it with mustard seed: but this kinde of sauce is not so pleasant to the
taste, because it is bitter. Galen writeth that these being eaten
engender euill blood: yet Dioscorides saith, they warme the stomacke
and nourish somewhat."
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Wood Sorrel - pages 1201-1202.
"Oxys alba. Of Wood Sorrell, or Stubwort.
...wood Sorrell stamped and vsed for greene sauce, is
good for them that haue sicke and feeble stomackes; for it strengtheneth
the stomacke, procureth appetite, andof all Sorrel sauces is the best,
not onely in vertue, but also in the pleasantnesse of his taste."
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Wortleberries - pages 1415-1419.
"Vaccinia. Of Worts or Wortle berries.
The people of Cheshire do eate the blacke wortles in
creame and milke, as in these South parts we eate Strawberries, which stop
and binde the belly, putting away also the desire to vomit. The red Wortle
is not of such a pleasant taste as the blacke, and therefore not so much
vsed to be eaten; but (as I said before*) they make the fairest carnation
colour in the world.
"Vaccinia rubra, or red Wortle...[has] small berries, in shew and bignesse like the former, but that they are of an excellent red colour, and full of iuyce, of so orient and beautifull a purple to limne withall, that Indian Lacca is not to be compared thereunto, especially when this iuyce is prepared and dressed with Allom according to art, as my selfe haue proued by experience: the tast is rough and astringent..."
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Historic recipes for mead and ginger beer, and pears in wine sauce.
Please send your comments to cindy at thousandeggs.com